Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Fourth Kind

I watched this movie last night. No review would be complete without at least a mention that they screwed up representing Nome, Alaska.

First of all, it bugs me that Hollywood continues to film in Canada to save money rather than stimulate the US economy and film on location. It wouldn't bother me at all if they filmed in Canada if the location was supposed to be Canada! I love Canada. It's lovely in Canada. I've got Canadian relatives that need their economy stimulated too. But, if the location is supposed to be New York City ... film in NYC. If the location is supposed to be Nome, Alaska ... film it in Nome.

And research your location! Even after I tried unsuccessfully to suspend belief and tried to envision the glacier-carved mountainsides and lush green rain forests of British Columbia was the flat tundra surrounding Nome, Alaska ... they still got the directions towns are from each other wrong. I wonder if anyone making the film even knew where Nome is located?

It also bothered me that their cast didn't reflect the population. One would think at least one indigenous Canadian wanted an acting job? In Hollywood, it would be easy to shake a tree and find at least one liberal that has used a term akin to "tea-bagging racist pigs" when referring to conservative people. Yet when given the opportunity to film a movie set in an Alaskan town that is populated by approximately 80% Native Alaskans ... they completely ignored that fact.

Another issue was that they had the main character flying a small plane back and forth from Nome to Anchorage like she was driving to the mall. Though people do fly their own small planes in Alaska, they don't treat planes like a car. The fastest and cheapest way in and out of Nome would be on a jet.

If they put this little thought into facts ... this movie won't be the movie that gets me wondering if aliens really exist.

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